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ज्ञान की प्यास को तृप्त करो।

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About Us

Dev International Yoga Centre, with its most powerful curative therapies, Yoga, Reiki, Naturopathy, Magnet Therapy, Meditation Camp and Acupressure,
will help you learn how to fight with diseases and to attain Physical and Mental Health from within yourself. It will teach you a way of life.

The treatment is the right of every human being & that is the purpose of making library.

Dev International Yoga Centre, with its most powerful curative therapies, Yoga, Reiki, Naturopathy, Magnet Therapy, Meditation Camp and Acupressure

We will teach you a way of life.Dev International Yoga Centre, with its most powerful curative therapies, Yoga, Reiki, Naturopathy, Magnet Therapy, Meditation Camp and Acupressure, will help you learn how to fight with diseases and to attain Physical and Mental Health from within yourself. It will teach you a way of life.

  • योग स्वयं की, स्वयं के माध्यम से, स्वयं की यात्रा है
  • एक हीलर की शक्ति किसी विशेष क्षमता से नहीं, बल्कि साहस और जागरूकता को बनाए रखने और सार्वभौमिक चिकित्सा शक्ति को व्यक्त करने से होती है,
    जो प्रत्येक मनुष्य के पास स्वाभाविक रूप से होती है।

Our Books

Latest edition of books realted to health !!

Hati Nabhi Kaise Bithaye

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Dev International Yoga Centre, with its most powerful curative therapies, Yoga, Reiki, Naturopathy, Magnet Therapy, Meditation Camp and Acupressure

Dev Anrastriya Yog Kendra
Geetanagar Kanpur, 208025


+91 9336235850

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